
Bar service

For an easier course and more efficient services, we also offer bar service, which can also be part of your event. Bartenders from all over the world mix drinks you’ve never even dreamed of. The bar is also equipped with all kinds of alcohol, from wine to gin to first-class rums. The advantage of having a separate bar is that your guests can enjoy their preferred alcohol throughout the evening. You will satisfy everyone’s taste buds.

As part of the bar service, we also offer a bartending show or a guided tasting of the preferred alcohol. A sommelier will guide you through a range of the finest wines from different regions for your guests to sample throughout the evening. We also offer a tasting of beers or the aforementioned selection of rums from around the world. For the duration of the event, you will have seating available with waiters and waitresses exclusively assigned to serve drinks at the bar. Our clients find the bar to be a refreshing element to the evening. Guests can escape for a while while still staying in the thick of the action and enjoying high-quality alcohol.

To make the evening even more interesting, we offer cocktail mixing workshops as part of the bar service. Our experienced bartenders will provide you with a quick history of the drinks and teach you how to prepare and mix a drink, either by following instructions or your own ideas. You’ll also learn about harmony of taste and talk about different types and approaches to mixing drinks.

Competitive types can take part in a small cocktail-mixing competition at the end of the workshop. The winner will receive a prize of a bottle of high-quality alcohol and in return can mix the winning cocktail for all attendees.


We offer

Themed mobile bars


Sales bars

Mixed drinks

Bartending show

Guided tastings

Professional bartenders

Inventory rental